Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Quick Story That I Read.....

I read a simple story today that made me smile. Some time way back early 1800s a young American lawyer was riding with his friends into the local township. They were meticulously dressed for a town meeting. Along the way they found some baby robins that had fallen out of their nests. The mother robin was cheeping and tweeting frantically as she fluttered over head. Her distress for the babies was obvious however, the friends rode on, even though the young lawyer stopped.
He looked at the distressed mother robin overhead, dismounted his horse and ever so gently picked up the babies and returned them to the nest. As he climbed down from the tree he fell into a puddle of muddy water which drenched him and strained his knee lol. With muddy boots and clothing he continued his journey into the town to meet with his friends who gave him a good natured teasing. He admitted to them that if he had left the baby robins behind he would have felt bad about it, it didn’t require much effort after all, and as insignificant as the action was, his gut instinct said it was the right thing to do. They all laughed and called him a softy and commenced their meeting. I could imagine most kids today simply ignoring the birds at best and incidentally, the young man’s name was Abraham Lincoln. He later became the President of the United States of America, who was considered a strong leader whose acts of kindness were many. I guess compassion and kindness are second nature to some people from a young age.
When you stop and think about the modern leaders across the world we could certainly use some more like that today. Just a few who could restore our faith in politicians, just a few who are not afraid to get their hands and boots dirty in muddy puddles seeking the best for their country rather than themselves, women & men whose consciences are not soiled by secret agendas, popularity polls and toeing the party line; just a few leaders who can show that truthfulness and love for their country is more important than love for power and their careers.

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