Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ten Reasons to Love Winter.......

Why would anyone enjoy winter you ask?

There is a silence here in the winter that is not there in the summer. Callala is a tourist area and at most times of the year people come and go along the beach, they walk and talk, some play their music and others ride their bikes; no matter what...their presence is made known by sounds, which I do not mind. However, winter halts those sounds, the tourist seize to come and so I listen to the quiet, the voiceless peace, the contrast of the waves and birds; the silence of humans.

No. 1- I love to look out at the cold while rugged up under a blanket watching a favourate movie, this reduces the hustle, bustle and stress in life!

No. 2- I love winter foods ie. all the wonderful vegie dishes that J cooks for us. Summer is too hot to enjoy them but winter comes and we want to go back for seconds.

No 3- I love to rug up and head out doors to explore the national parks. One sees so much that isn't there in summer. This year we headed down to Mt. Kosiosko National Park to see the snow season begin and the landscape change. It was wonderful and we were warm.

No. 4- I love to snuggle up to J and keep warm in bed. The thought of the windy cold weather outside just makes me want to soak up his body heat and sink into a comfortable deep sleep. He loveingly gives me the warmth of his heart as we sleep in the cold air of the night.

No. 5- There is something wonderful about dressing up for the extreme winter and going outdoors to find that you are nice and warm. You have beat the challenge of cold temperatures and enjoyed the climate regardless of how chilly it was. No. 6- Winter is such a relief after the heat of summer. It is great to simply not perspire when you are working.

No.7- Someone once said to me that there is always a magic in the air that is simply not there in summer. How true this is.

No.8- Winter is a wonderful time to enjoy a hot chocolate thats thick and creamy and your tongue will catch the melting marshmellows as they shrink into the heat of the mug. No.9- I love winter each time that I stop to speak to someone whose scalf covers their face, a beany covers their hair and wooly gloves cover their fingers. A rosey nose and cheels are all that greets you. Welcome to winter!!

No.10- The air has a crispness to it that is fresh and clean. It fills your lungs with its cold blast and leaves your mouth like steam or smoke.

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