Friday, April 22, 2011


One of the advantages of having to drive through kilometers of national park each morning and afternoon is that that I have learned to take the time to look around and see with my heart as well as my eyes. So many things that nature provides us with can touch one's heart and memory forever.

Going to work each morning this past week J and I have been entertained with spectacular sunrises; each time I felt like a witness to something amazing, to see the sunrise gently over through the splendor of the bay's island and the points of the bay.

On Wednesday I stopped just before the entry to the national park and watched the changing colours as the orb of the sun spied over the horizon and began to radiate in all of it's glory, just enough filter in the air that I could look diredtly at it.

Above the rising globe was the vivid blue of the sky and the dark grey of a few intruding clouds which all added to the panarama.

Now at this time of morning the tide had already made it's way out to the Pacific Ocean and the waters of Jervis Bay had become flat but ever so glassy. The sun was being mirrored ever second as it rose higher and higher in the sky; each of the colours intensifying and expanding all around.

Even the water which had washed up along the beach from the gentle waves could reflect everything that was taking place.

What a breathtaking and beautiful sight of the rich autumn tones changing to vibrant oranges, then changing to yellows and eventually to the daylight colours of a blue sky.

I remember the magical colours of the Darwin sunsets as our family rode bikes around the foreshores of Nightcliff and these sunrises are on par with them; constantly ever changing colours, fusing and blending into daylight.

These memories will follow J and I for a long time. They constantly encourage us to plan for extensive travel around Australia; to wonder what the sunsets or the fishing or the locals would be like in the Pilbra region or Esperance perhaps Geeveston. I hope that you enjoyed my photos!

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