Friday, December 17, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..........

Christmas is but a week away and our extended family get-together is this Sunday. Time to pull out the green table cloths, the gold reindeer table pieces, the red serviettes, etc. Miss K and I love to decorate the table when ever we are hosting a big shin-dig for Christmas. AJ is going to set up a small bar out on the verandah and fill the eskies with ice and all sorts of drinkable goodies and the eatible goodies should fill the kitchen table to just about over flowing. I have prepared all of the jellies and custards for the trifles and they simply need to be assembled on Saturday night ready for Sunday. The tiramisu will also be arranged on Saturday evening ready for Sunday lunch. Just about everything else can be done on Sunday morning. One of the summer fruits that J and I enjoy is a mango. I never knew what a mango was until I started dating J. One Sunday we went for a drive to buy fruit and veges for my mother and he purchased a mango to share with me. When he realized that I had never eaten a mango J went to great lengths to cut it up for me to try. Wow! Talk about fruit of the gods, it was wonderful and I licked my fingers clean of the beautiful juice. It certainly was a wonderful experience and ever since then I have loved them. The big Bowen mangos from Far North Queensland are lovely but if ever you get the opportunity to sample the red mangos from PNG then make sure that you try them, they are lovely too.
Anyway I digress, each Christmas Day I cut up a platter of mangos and watermelon for all to enjoy and this Sunday will be no different. Our tree is sparkling and ready to greet the guests and I have dusted off some wonderful Christmas music to get everyone into the mood. One just has to love Christmas! I hope that the lead up to Christmas is a time of relaxation and peace for everyone.

My immediate family is off to view the many wonderifully decorated homes around the Hills area on Monday night. Then off to celebrate Christmas lunch with some girlfriends on Tuesday. Wednesday evening we are going to kick back and relax and make sure that J begins his holidays by putting his feet up and chilling out. We intend to spoil him with a BBQ and some delicious wine for the evening. Our aim (as usual) is not to get caught up in the commercialism of the season but rather to take pleasure in having time to enjoy each other's company, laugh and make the most of our time together. Merry Christmas everyone!

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