Saturday, September 19, 2009

Misty Mornings.....

Each morning at 5am I drive to the bakery to purchase fresh bread rolls for the shop. The drive takes about 15 minutes and for most of the year it is undertaken in darkness. This morning however, the sun was making it's way into the sky as I neared the town; to my surprize ahead opf me was a meadow. Mist was drifting in along the meadow floor like thick low laying clouds of cotton wool.
The tops of the trees stood tall and peered through the mist, they were the only objects in plain view, everything was shrouded in white. As the morning progressed I made a point to keep my eye out on the changing landscape as the sun burnt off the fog and rearranged the colours and shadows all around; bringing the world to life. Fog and mist have always appealed to me; it gives everything a spiritual look about it as though the trees are floating out on an endless ocean.
With the mist comes a stillness and a silence which I enjoy. Then as the sun moves slowly moves about, that same view of the hillside changes so dramatically that it amazes me.
The photographer in me wants to constantly capture the changes on camera but I rarely do the scene justice.

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