Monday, April 4, 2011

It had been a very ordinary afternoon and I paid no attention to the weather. J and I had shared dinner at about six pm before he headed off to poker, I was left with this odd sensation that something wasn't quite right.
I got up and went out onto the front verandah where I noticed that everything was very still. Not just silent but strangely motionless, no birds calling and almost no sounds at all from the ocean. There were no cars passing on the road, no planes flying overhead and no leaves moving on the banksias trees next to the verandah.
I had experienced this once before a huge storm hit so I stood listening for few minutes it perhaps this was what was in stall for the evening but shrugged it off and then went back inside the house.
Soon after the sky darkened, I looked out again to see huge clouds rolling in, ominously huddled together to blacken out the sky; they appeared to be approaching at alarming speed.

Nothing in the world could have prepared me for what happened next, the wind began to gust in short waves initially, each gust becoming more intense, more ferocious and within a few minutes the wind had become so strong that the cocos palms looked as though they were bent in an “L” shape, facing away to the distance. That was just the beginning for after the squalling winds came the rain, well when I say rain it was more like an impenetrable curtain of water. Lightning split the sky, crashing ferociously out over the bay. At one point I couldn't even see across the street and the rain just kept coming; it rained for what seemed like hours and then amazingly, as fast as it came the rain slowly trickled to a stop as the clouds parted. The sky turned into a bright blue instead if a hazy grey. The sun seemed to peek out on the horizon above the house tops and out over the bay. I was in awe of the speed of events. How strong must Mother Nature be to carry such weight in rain and then move on. My trusty camera was at hand….luckily. I hope you enjoy the photos.

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