Today is Australia Day 2012. I tried to remember what we did as small children to celebrate Australia Day but could not think of anything. I guess it has only been since 1988 that the community has been encouraged to
observe such a day.
observe such a day.
I do remember back in 1970 there were huge celebrations to commemerate Captain Cook's bi-centenary 1770, when he first landed in Australia. That year I was a ten year old student in year 5 at Holy Trinity Granville. Dad was also in year 5 at the Patrician Brothers Granville.
Again in 1988 we celebrated the arrival of the first fleet . Re-enactments of the tall ships arriving in Sydney Harbour made for a wonderful spectacle. Your Grandmother Mary George and cousin, Sharon Budwee took a picnic and sat on the shores of Landy Macquarie's Chair to watch the celebrations. Thousands of sailing vessels made their way into Botany Bay and on to the harbour. People waved the aussie flag and a wonderful sense of commeradery was everywhere. Dad and I (30 weeks pregnant with Alex at the time) sat at home and watched the television together with a BBQ lunch. Afterall, this was the bi-centenary of the landing of the first fleet. The Aborigines went on to call this day "Invasion Day" and great debate has taken place ever since.
Anyway, Happy Australia Day everyone! Today, January 20th 2012 I am sitting here surrounded by Kookaburras, Loorikeets, Banksis trees, the beach, smiling beach walkers and blessed doesn't get much more "aussie" than that! So whatever your day holds ready for you...have a relaxing Australia Day.
Anyway, Happy Australia Day everyone! Today, January 20th 2012 I am sitting here surrounded by Kookaburras, Loorikeets, Banksis trees, the beach, smiling beach walkers and blessed doesn't get much more "aussie" than that! So whatever your day holds ready for you...have a relaxing Australia Day.