Winter is creeping in closer and closer. During one of our afternoon walks down along the beach John and I noticed just how dark it is getting, eah day the evening air rolls in slightly earlier and earlier. Yesterday afternoon by five pm it was not just overcast but quite dark as well. Although we do not use heating just yet I have pulled the doona out and enjoy snuggling down under it during the night. Today one of the boys commented that we are heading towards the end of May and that next month we will in fact, be half way through the year. Goodness, this year is passing us very fast and before we know it, it will be time to do Christmas shopping again. 
At work a few of the Aboriginal boys have tried to convince me that the area in which we are building has been influenced b spirits and that there is less rainfall there than any where else in the areas. At first I thought that they were pulling my leg so to speak. however I have been amazed just how much rain falls everywhere elase in the Shoalhaven area yet no out at the work site.....very bazare/ Now the boys insist that their Grandfathers and elders have told them the story of the cursed area but upon speaking to a local environmentalist I was told that the position of the mountains and hills in the area also influence cloud movement and where the rain falls so perhaps this is the dreaded cursed spirits lol.
These photos were shot across at Greenwell Point. Even though winter is fast upon us the water ways remain tranquil there. My friend Mick reports that he caught a huge snapper there the other evening. Anyway, I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend and that you all keep warm and dry.