The news is full of the latest on Swine Flu. Just listening to the statistics and horrors of what it can do to an individual, and to an entire community, is enough to scare us all, filling us with alarm and dread. It seems that the entire world does not have enough on its plate with the constant news bulletins and updates on the global financial crisis which envoloped the panet, now we have to live in fear of the latest influenza bug. Will the turmoil ever end? The professionals are now saying that this flu has the capability to have pandemic outcomes, what a terrifying thought, a epidemic event in time that would impact the world. Such an occurance is almost impossible to imagine.
I sat thinking about this today and goodness, such an event in time certainly puts life into perspective for us. Good health is paramount to everything else, to all of the materialistic pressures we place on ourselves, to what we consider are the priorities in our lives, even to how simple and stress free we live. I have thought it before and I will think it again, in the end the material possessions we have mean little in comparison to the quality of life we live and the love we experience and share with others. I guess it is occurances such as the threat of Swine Flu, etc. that makes us stop and re-evaluate what matters most. In the end...when you have good health you have the foundations for a good life.